Humanoid robots are ready for work!
Walking humanoid robots are already being deployed doing commercial work:
Agility Robotics
Humanoid upper bodies are already being deployed doing commercial work:
In 2024, we should see broader commercial release of walking humanoids from:
Fourier Intelligence
Maybe also Figure, Deep Robotics, Tesla, Boardwalk Robotics ... who else???
BUT it depends on the criteria.
I believe that a commercial humanoid should be capable of working a full 8 hr shift (or swapping out with another robot), capable of getting up if falling down, costing less than $50,000, weighing less than 50kg (ideally 30kg), capable of carrying a commercial load (depends on job but 20kg to 55kg).
What are the other criteria for a commercial humanoid robot?
We are much closer to seeing those criteria at work in 2024 than you realize. Also, although the workspace for robotics is almost infinite, there are specific tasks that we require humanoid form factor for.
I like that you don't see this as being an either/or situation. I think it will take time for the transitions, and most likely during that time, people will be inventing new jobs which will eventually become undesirable and only robots will do them... until full automation occurs.